My Morning Routine

It all begins with an idea. For me writing Rosa The Cuban Psychic has been such a wonderful experience.

My morning routine starts off with coffee. I have a French Press I use everyday because I prefer the taste of the press more than the traditional coffee makers. With coffee and mug in hand I head over to my desk.

The goals are all set-up a day ahead of time so that I do not get distracted. Once I have had my first cup of coffee and feel like I can function I check my Facebook pages - Imrenfroe Author and Cozy Mystery Village. I try to spend no more than half an hour on each site. You have to be active in these sites if you want to continue to engage with others. I then visit the other groups I have joined to also engage in comments and sometimes I will also engage by posting.

Once that is completed I am off to meet with Rosa. Yes, I speak of her as if she is real, because in my mind she is a live and always there giving me ideas on a plot or new story-line.

Developing Rosa’s character has been both intriguing and deliciously entertaining. She seems to always be stuck in the middle of a murder investigation. Between her thriving fashion design business and solving murders Rosa has hardly anytime for anything else in her life. Yet, there is always some surprise that pops up to mess with the balance. What can we say, Rosa The Cuban Psychic is at it again.

Today, Rosa is off to visit Nana at her Misterioso Cafe on the island.

Check in next time to see how I bring all of these elements together in my morning routine.



Music & Mood